How to Succeed with a Busy Schedule: Tips from Miss Dillard University

Johne'tra Trotter balances her personal life, extra curricular activities, and academic pursuits all while reigning as Miss Dillard University 2012-2013.

Johne’tra Trotter balances her personal life, extra curricular activities, and academic pursuits all while reigning as Miss Dillard University 2012-2013.

By Johne’tra Trotter
Miss Dillard University 2012-2013

—Have support systems: I talk to other Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Queens I’ve met at conferences in a group chat on an almost daily basis. We share advice or just vent to each other. Do not be too hard on yourself, there’s someone else in the world in your shoes…or heels 🙂

—Ask for help: I had to learn to depend on my King, Court, advisors, classmates, professors, and administrators. You must trust the people you are working with so your job can be easier and more fun. Always keep a good attitude and use your resources wisely!

—Be organized: Reviving campus life and community service was my main goal while campaigning. The moment I was elected in Spring 2012, I planned and scheduled events so when the fall semester started I did not have to worry about logistics. Throughout the summer, I constructed a bedazzled binder (I call it my Successful Reign Manual, LOL) that is helping me stay on task. I would be lost without it!

—Schedule ME time: I found peace with yoga, prayer, candles, and laughing. At times, I just sat in one place doing absolutely nothing for a few hours. I have a new found love for free time and weekends and I try to use them wisely!

—Prioritize & balance: I love being Queen, but I know that my academics, health, family, and God come first! Do not forget to have fun in whatever you do. Of course, you want to remain professional but enjoy the moment before it is over!

—Love and appreciate what you do: Make sure that you take on jobs and positions for the right reasons. When you love what you do, tasks do not seem as daunting. I love my institution, being Queen and an inspiration, my academics, and spending time with my family and friends. I wouldn’t trade the crazy balancing act for anything!

Everyday will not be perfect and life is filled with obstacles but if I can balance it all, then so can you!

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